Template:Infobox video game

From TenchiWiki: The Tenchi Muyo! Wiki
Infobox video game


|title= Original title of the release based on naming policy)
|image= Box art of the release (North American box takes precedence to be consistent with the naming policy)
|originaltitle= The original title of the release if not in English (IE If in Japanese use Japanese characters)
|englishtranslation= English translation of the release if not already in English
|language= Primary languages of the release (IE If the Box art is 100% in English, than English.)
|media= The media of the release (IE "Print, Disc, Handheld, Cassette, Video Cassette")
|format= The format of the media above (IE if "Book" then "Light Novel, Novella, Guide", if "Disc" then "CD, DVD, LaserDisc")
|genre= The genre of the game (RPG, Adventure / Visual Novel, Action, etc)
|platforms= The number platforms it was released to (PC, Macintosh, Sega Saturn, etc)
|country= Country of release If physical, then ("United States, Australia, Brazil, Japan, etc" if multiple countries or "Region" put "North America" and the appropriate flags beneath)
|ratings= The rating(s) of the release (ESRB, PEGI, CERO, etc)
|distributor= The distributor of the release (King Records, Funimation, Pioneer, etc)
|officialstatus= Is the release official? ("Official" or "Bootleg", pertains specifically to Tenchi branded products. If Bootleg, please link to official product(s) which were bootlegged.)
|producer= Who produced the released? (Can be different than the distributor IE The first DBZ DVDs were produced by Funimation but distributed by Pioneer)
|publisher= Who published the released? (Use for print and video game products)
|developer= Developer of the game
|catalognumber= The catalog number for the single
|price= Price of the release (Use the list price, NA = MSRP, UK = RRP) When listing Japanese YEN prices, list the 定価 - List Price as well as the 本体 - Pre-tax price)
|seriesincluded= The individual series associated with the release (this is mostly used for DVD and Blu-ray complete sets)
|releasedate= The release date of the release
|barcode= The barcode of the release (UPC = North America, EAN = UK, JAN = Japan, GTIN = International. If Magazine, include periodical number)
{{infobox video game